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Time:2024-05-31 Reads:


Gao Haihong, professor and director of Research Center for International Finance, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). She is CASS Changcheng Scholar, lead fellow of CASS project China and International Financial System, standing council director of China Society of World Economy, and of China Society for Finance and Banking. She was appointed as consulting expert of Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM) for China Ministry of Finance, and Chief Economist of the Network of East Asian Think-Tanks (NEAT) China Working Group. Her academic publications include books and papers in the fields of global financial governance, RMB internationalization and regional financial cooperation, etc. She is the author of book A Changing International Monetary System: Theory and Chinese Practice, published with Economic Science Press, 2021 (in Chinese), and the recent paper The role of China in International Financial System, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, 2023.