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Time:2024-06-03 Reads:


Professor DONG Keyong, founded China Ageing Finance Forum in 2015, and as Secretary-General of the Forum, he leads the forum to advice Chinese government promoting private pension development, and publish journal of “Developing Report on Aging Finance in China” since then.

From 1984 to 2019, Professor Dong was served the dean of the School of Public Administration and Policy and the dean of the School of Labor and Human Resources in Renmin University of China accordingly. He has long been concerned with issues in the areas of labor economy, human resource management and social security, and is currently focusing on ageing finance. He also appointed as vice-chairman of Chinese Society of Social Insurance, visiting professor of the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, and an adjunct professor at several universities in China.

Professor Dong has undertaken dozens of research projects related to pension finance and social security commissioned by the National Science Foundation, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. He has published more than 100 articles on Management World, Journal of Public Management and Population & Economics, etc.