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Time:2022-04-01 Reads:

JU Jiandong, Chang Jiang Scholar of the Chinese Ministry of Education, Unigroup Chair Professor at PBC School of Finance in Tsinghua University, Director of Center for International Finance and Economic Research (CIFER), Research Center for Green Finance Development(CGFR) of Tsinghua NIFR, Director of Research Center for International Digital Capital(IDC) of Tsinghua IFR. After receiving his doctorate in Economics from Pennsylvania State University in 1995, he served as assistant, associate and full professor at University of Oklahoma and professor at School of Economics and Management in Tsinghua University. He was the Dean of International School of Business Administration, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics from 2014 to 2017. He was a resident scholar in International Monetary Fund, and consulted for World Bank and other policy organizations. He focused his research on International Trade, International Finance and Industrial Organization, and the main teaching courses are Advanced International Trade and Finance. His work has been published in American Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, American Economic Journal and other journals. He received 2016 Pushan Award for Excellent Papers on International Economics ,2020 Ministry of Education 8th award for outstanding scientific research in economics and 2021 Excellent teacher in Beijing University by Beijing Municipal Education Commission.