Gao Hao (Tony) is the Director of NIFR Global Family Business Research Center, and the Director of Strategic Partnership & Development Office at Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance. He is also the faculty chair of Global Family Business Program, Wealth Management and Private Banking Course, and Investment Banking Course.
Gao serves as the chief editor of Wealth Management, as well as two book series Family Governance Series and Family Wealth Series. He has published 16 books pertinent to family business and family wealth, as well as 90+ journal articles and magazine columns. He co-authored the first China family office case in the Harvard Business School Case Collection.
He graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor degree (engineering), a Ph.D. degree (management) and a post-doctorate (finance), and from Peking University with a bachelor degree (economics). He is awarded the Harvard Business School Corporate Director Certificate.